What is Groovix?
Groovix is advanced hardware, software, and support that groove together to create a perfect Linux environment.
Groovix Hardware
We only use top-quality hardware that has been chosen explicity for speed, reliability, low-noise, and Linux compatibility.Groovix Software
Groovix systems are based on Ubuntu, the most advanced and most popular Linux distribution available.

Groovix Support
Because we use the same hardware and software that you do, we can answer most of your questions instantly with certainty. You can even call us on the phone and share your screen with us for the quickest help possible.
This machine is much quieter than my old laptop, no crashes and/or freezing up, and there is CHOICE! I really appreciate the product more now, one year after I bought it. Thanks much!
Curtis in Pennsylvania -
I think it's pretty cool to be able to call for help and get someone on the phone and on the screen simultaneously!
Kathleen in Washington -
I was tired of building my own PC's from components I was unsure would work together, or even work with Linux. Open Sense Solutions put together a high performance, very affordable machine for me, but more importantly, gave me peace of mind, knowing that my machine would be fully supported under Linux.
Jay in Colorado
Turn One Computer into Six
With Groovix Open Source SLIM technology, one computer becomes 2-6 fully functional computers.

Each user experiences full performance with their own monitor, keyboard, mice, and speakers, saving dramatically on hardware, electricity, and administration costs.